Tuesday 7 May 2013

I'm only mildly lethal...

'Lo there, stranger(s)!

I am Vorpal Dragon - it's not my regular name, but I'm just getting so tired of brand unification and I'm sure some of you can relate. I am more commonly known as Crayt on the internet - even out there in the real world, amongst some of my closest friends who can't be bothered with learning my real name. So I just decided to come up with something ridiculous yet awesome, because I need to make an awesome first impression. So Vorpal Dragon. Because dragons are awesome, right? And if they're vorpal, they're even more awesome because... OP. Right? Okay? Okay.

When it comes to roleplaying, I've about seven years of experience with it - two initial years of general assery and ruining the experience of others with weapons appearing out of nowhere and circumstances suddenly turning to my favour - and I have around five years of experience with writing lengthy yet somewhat respected novels. Also, poetry but I haven't done that for some years so... yeah. It was a thing. Nowadays I don't get as much roleplaying action as I used to, mainly because I have issues with finding people I trust enough - I have bad experiences with strangers who decide to just drop out of my games without telling me why and so forth. But eh... I cope.

As I said, I don't roleplay that much nowadays. So I tend to just waste my time with games instead. I've always found games refreshing when it comes to my imagination, giving me great ideas or just generally making me look forward to writing. If not that, I'm reading. At the time, I'm actually reading A Dance with Dragons (the fifth Game of Thrones book, in case there are some of you who don't know that) and yeah... that's awesome.

But I do believe that's all I can think of saying at the time. Thanks for reading. Ta~


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/H6ZG45GwX4c/viewtopic.php

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