Monday 20 May 2013

Dr Sherrill Sellman: What Women Must Know About Breast Cancer

Posted May 20, 2013


Ever since Angelina Jolie announced that she has just undergone a double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer, the world seems to be buzzing about the topic. TV and social media have gone to town with this story, and while I may not agree with the messages that have been attached to it, I think it?s awesome that her story has got everyone thinking, talking and opening up healthy discussions about what is a very sensitive subject.

I?m not a breast cancer expert, but I do have access to people who are. Which is why I asked to speak with my friend Dr Sherrill Sellman about the topic. Dr Sellman is the author of What Women Must Know To Protect Their Daughters From Breast Cancer and Hormone Heresy: What Women Must Know About Their Hormones. She?s done extensive research in the fields of epigenetics and the breast cancer genes ? BRCA 1 and BRCA 2.

And while I may not be an expert, I?ve spent enough time researching and living this topic (both for my cancer and my mum?s) to be able to say that I firmly believe we have more options than what we?re led to believe by the mainstream world.

The intention of this interview isn?t to judge whether Angelina (or anyone else in her situation) made the right choice or not. We?re all different. We all have different fears, different conditioning, and different ways of looking at and understanding the world. But, what I do want to do is counteract the messages that are being pumped out by mainstream media by offering alternative answers to some of the questions and fears this story has stirred up.

In this interview, you will learn:

+ If you have the breast cancer genes, do you have options other than a double mastectomy when it comes to preventing breast cancer?

+ Why BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 aren?t the death sentences we?re led to believe they are.

+ What we can do to lower our risk of developing cancer ? whether we have the genes or not.

+ Why mammograms are the worst step for someone who has a predisposition to breast cancer and should never be used for screening purposes.

+ What to do instead of having a mammogram.

+ So much more on this very loaded topic.

Click here to listen:


On Wednesday morning, Sherrill and I will be holding a live Q&A call so that you can get answers to any questions you may have on this subject.

The call will be held at 9am (Australian EST). Click here to sign up and receive further details.

Can?t make that time? Sign up anyway to send through your question and receive a recording of the call.


Click here for a full list of Dr Sherrill Sellman?s Australian tour dates.

What did you think of this interview? I?d love for you to join in the conversation in the comments below. Politely though, please.


Positive affirmation for the day: My mind is open to new ideas and beliefs.

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