Monday 8 July 2013

McConnell campaign bugger accuses GOP of cyber fraud

  • Venezuela, Nicaragua willing to grant Edward Snowden asylum

    By BRIAN HUGHES | 07/05/13 09:30 PM

    Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro on Friday said his country would offer asylum to National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden.

  • John Kerry aboard yacht 'briefly' during Egyptian coup

    By SEAN LENGELL | 07/05/13 05:35 PM

    As a military coup rocked Egypt, Secretary of State John Kerry spent part of Wednesday aboard his yacht, the State Department said Friday ? backpedaling on an earlier denial.

  • VIDEO: John Kerry sings ?I?m On A Boat?

    By CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/05/13 05:30 PM

    Secretary of State John Kerry has been enjoying life on his boat this Fourth of July weekend while chaos continues to reign in Egypt.

  • Former NSA whistleblower calls for new American Revolution against surveillance state

    By ASHE SCHOW | 07/05/13 03:40 PM

    "I call for a new American Revolution declaring our independence from the surveillance state and government control of information," said Thomas Drake, a former NSA whistleblower.

  • Eric Cantor tells fellow Republicans July agenda will buck 'an overreaching and heavy-handed government'

    By SUSAN FERRECHIO | 07/05/13 02:30 PM

    House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., sent a memo to fellow Republican lawmakers on Friday that listed energy legislation, an education bill and plans to continue congressional oversight into the fatal terrorist...

  • Police sued for ?quartering soldiers? at private home during operation

    By JOEL GEHRKE | 07/05/13 02:25 PM

    Police officers in Nevada face a lawsuit accusing them of violating the Third Amendment after allegedly forcing a man to allow them to use his house when responding to a nearby call.

  • Obama hits the links during long holiday weekend

    By SUSAN CRABTREE | 07/05/13 01:55 PM

    President Obama got in some golf Friday, the day after hosting wounded warriors at the White House for a BBQ on the south lawn and 4th of July fireworks viewing. It was the 126th time during his presidency that Obama...

  • Amtrak worker fired for sex on the job

    By JOEL GEHRKE | 07/05/13 01:20 PM

    The rail line's Office of Investigations looked into allegations regarding a customer service representative who allowed his girlfriend to ride the Amtrak train for free.

  • WaPo wants more NSA transparency so they can help protect Obama from scandal

    By ASHE SCHOW | 07/05/13 12:15 PM

    The Washington Post has found a way to show outrage toward the NSA's surveillance scandal while remaining loyal to President Obama: ask for transparency so that the press can protect their beloved president.

  • White House claims mediocre jobs report shows Recovery Act worked

    By ASHE SCHOW | 07/05/13 11:45 AM

    It's to be expected. Every month the White House claims that the economy is improving despite evidence to the contrary. On Friday, Alan Kreuger, chairman of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, said, "In the...

  • Obama delays employer mandate, but leaves HHS mandate in effect for Christian companies

    By JOEL GEHRKE | 07/05/13 11:20 AM

    Despite other Obamacare delays, the mandate by Health and Human Services that Christian business owners provide contraception to employees remains in effect.

  • Could Obama delay individual mandate by one year?

    By PHILIP KLEIN | 07/05/13 11:10 AM

    In the wake of the Obama administration?s decision to delay employer mandate requirement by a year, a number of conservative commentators have suggested that Republicans should push for a repeal of the individual...

  • Gallup: Parents don't want their kids to have political careers

    By ASHE SCHOW | 07/05/13 10:50 AM

    Sixty-four percent of Americans say they wouldn't like to see their child have a career in politics, according to a new Gallup poll.

  • Walker: I have not endorsed the Senate immigration bill

    By SEAN HIGGINS | 07/05/13 10:40 AM

    Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker is refuting a local newspaper?s report that he has endorsed the Senate immigration reform bill. The governor?s office told the Weekly Standard: ?Governor Walker has not...

  • Scott Walker endorses Senate immigration bill (UPDATE: Walker refutes report)

    By SEAN HIGGINS | 07/05/13 10:35 AM

    Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker told a local newspaper Tuesday he not only supports the Senate immigration bill but that it should go further, calling the legislation merely a ?band-aid.? (UPDATE:...

  • Moderately strong jobs report turns attention on Federal Reserve

    By JOSEPH LAWLER | 07/05/13 10:15 AM

    The U.S. economy is continuing to add jobs at a modest but steady rate despite fears about the federal budget and headwinds from overseas, turning the spotlight on the Federal Reserve and its plans for slowing its...

  • Unemployment flat at 7.6 percent as 240,000 fewer Americans have full-time work

    By CONN CARROLL | 07/05/13 10:05 AM

    The nation's employers added 195,000 jobs in June -- but beneath those top-line numbers, the job market still looks very weak. Overall, the nation?s employers added 195,000 jobs in June while the nation?s unemployment...

  • This group of Houston gun owners celebrated Independence Day the best way possible

    By CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/05/13 09:00 AM

    The members of Come and Take It Houston strolled the streets of the nation's fourth-largest city with their shotguns and rifles at their sides -- and then went for barbecue.

  • Morning Examiner: No immigration reform till Obamacare is delayed

    By CONN CARROLL | 07/05/13 08:35 AM

    If Democrats were hoping that House Republicans would be pressed into quick action on the Senate immigration bill after the July 4th recess, the Treasury Department?s announcement Tuesday that it would be delaying...

  • VIDEOS: Eyewitnesses react as California fireworks mishap injures 28

    By CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/05/13 07:30 AM

    ?That wasn?t supposed to happen,? a stunned man notes in a YouTube video of a fireworks explosion in a crowd in Simi Valley, California on Thursday.

  • Photo: Obama family watches fireworks from White House rooftop

    By CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/05/13 07:00 AM

    White House photographer Pete Souza shared the above photo on Twitter last night, as President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and their daughter Malia watched the Independence Day fireworks.

  • Gallup: Republicans more proud to be American than Democrats

    By CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/04/13 08:50 AM

    In recognition of Independence Day, Gallup has released a poll on whether American citizens are still proud to be American.

  • Sen. Ted Cruz: Take some time to re-read the Declaration of Independence today

    By CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/04/13 08:15 AM

    ?It remains as profound and relevant today, as when Thomas Jefferson wrote it in 1776," the Texas Republican said.

  • VIDEO: The greatness of America

    By CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/04/13 07:00 AM

    In celebration of Independence Day, Rep. Darrell Issa has released a video celebrating the greatness of America, featuring the words of former President Ronald Reagan.

  • Obama ?deeply concerned? by military coup in Egypt

    By BRIAN HUGHES | 07/03/13 07:15 PM

    President Obama on Wednesday said he was ?deeply concerned? by the Egyptian military?s ouster of President Mohamed Morsi, vowing to review American aid to the North African nation and calling on commanders there to...

  • Norton wants District seal may be added to historic Library of Congress stained glass windows

    By SUSAN FERRECHIO | 07/03/13 06:30 PM

    Eleanor Holmes Norton, the District?s longstanding defender against apparent injustices both great and small, wants the D.C. seal included on the famous windows.

  • Sen. Patrick Leahy: U.S. law requires pulling foreign aid to Egypt because of military coup

    By JOEL GEHRKE | 07/03/13 06:20 PM

    The Senate Judiciary chairman called for an end to foreign aid for Egypt, saying today's military coup disqualifies the new government from receiving American assistance.

  • Added significance to monthly jobs numbers due Friday

    By JOSEPH LAWLER | 07/03/13 05:35 PM

    At 8:30 a.m. this Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics will release the monthly jobs report, an indicator that has taken on added importance in recent weeks.

  • CBO: Even with more Border Patrol, Gang of Eight bill would still not stop millions of illegal immigrants

    By BYRON YORK | 07/03/13 05:20 PM

    The Congressional Budget Office has updated its analysis of the Gang of Eight immigration reform, and its main finding is that the near-sextupling of the amount of money spent on the Border Patrol would increase...

  • Bipartisan coalition requests secret surveillance court opinions be made public

    By ASHE SCHOW | 07/03/13 05:15 PM

    A bipartisan group of 16 congressmen, including Reps. Justin Amash, R-Mich., Mark Sanford, R-S.C., and Rush Holt, D-N.J., have filed an amicus brief with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court requesting the secret...

  • Conservatives celebrate Obamacare delay, predict unraveling of entire law

    By SUSAN CRABTREE | 07/03/13 04:35 PM

    Employers with 50 or more full-time workers got a pre-4th of July holiday gift from the Obama administration Tuesday when it delayed enforcing parts of the new health care law requiring them to provide health insurance or...

  • House launches probe into employer mandate delay

    By PHILIP KLEIN | 07/03/13 04:25 PM

    Republican members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee launched an investigation today into the Obama administration?s decision to delay the implementation of the employer mandate by a year.

  • AFL-CIO: Decision to suspend employer mandate is ?troubling?

    By SEAN HIGGINS | 07/03/13 04:20 PM

    AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka today slammed President Obama?s decision to delay implementation of the Obamacare employer mandate by a year.

  • Looking back at the battle between Egyptian military, Morsi over social media

    By ASHE SCHOW | 07/03/13 03:50 PM

    Even as protesters took to the streets, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and the Egyptian military clashed on Facebook and Twitter to argue over the nature of their disagreement.

  • Teachers union: The good news is we are losing fewer members than expected

    By SEAN HIGGINS | 07/03/13 03:40 PM

    NEA Secretary-Treasurer Becky Pringle: ?We are still losing members but we are not losing as many members as we projected in the budget last year."

  • VIDEO: Volleys of fireworks celebrate military coup against Egyptian President Morsi

    By CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/03/13 03:25 PM

    After Egypt?s military announced via a spokesman that President Mohamed Morsi would be replaced in a new election, protestors fired off volleys of fireworks to celebrate.

  • Ted Cruz slams Obama for backing Egyptian leader

    By JOEL GEHRKE | 07/03/13 03:15 PM

    Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who is rumored to be interested in running for president in 2016, faulted President Obama today for supporting Egyptian leader Mohamed Morsi rather than backing the protesters against his regime...

  • Egyptian military ousts Morsi; Obama administration rips leader's response to protests

    By BRIAN HUGHES | 07/03/13 03:00 PM

    The Obama administration Wednesday criticized embattled Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi?s defiant reaction to the mushrooming protests in Cairo, saying the leader had not done enough to showcase his commitment to...

  • Repeal or delay: Will Congress vote on Obama?s deferral of employer mandate?

    By JOEL GEHRKE | 07/03/13 02:55 PM

    The GOP is ?between a rock and a hard place? in considering ways to capitalize on President Obama's decision to delay implementation of part of Obamacare.

  • White House vetoes public seeing Obama?s thanks to librarians

    By GABRIELLA MORRONGIELLO | 07/03/13 01:15 PM

    White House officials vetoed all public airing of a video of President Obama thanking the American Library Association Sunday for helping inform the public about Obamacare.

  • How is Valerie Jarrett magical? Let the White House count the ways

    By CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/03/13 12:30 PM

    Mark Leibovich's upcoming book reveals that the White House issued a memo titled ?The Magic of Valerie? featuring personal details about Obama?s Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett.

  • After spending another $38 billion, Senate immigration bill still leaves 7.5 million illegal immigrants in US

    By CONN CARROLL | 07/03/13 11:55 AM

    ?Illegal immigration will be a thing of the past,? Sen. Chuck Schumer predicted last month. But a second CBO report again shows Schumer is wrong.

  • How employer mandate delay wreaks havoc with Obamacare

    By PHILIP KLEIN | 07/03/13 11:30 AM

    If the administration won?t make judgments on whether employers meet the requirements, how can it assess individuals? eligibility to receive subsidies to purchase insurance on the exchanges?

  • VIDEO: Ted Cruz receives standing ovation in Baptist church for calling to abolish the IRS

    By CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/03/13 10:40 AM

    The Texas Republican received a standing ovation during his speech at First Baptist Dallas church on Sunday for calling to abolish the Internal Revenue Service.

  • A delighted Terry McAuliffe kicks out a campaign video tracker

    By CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/03/13 10:30 AM

    The former Democratic fundraiser and Virginia U.S. Senate candidate is not about to let himself be videotaped by any opposition cameras.

  • Political posturing and corporatist collusion: The backstory of Obamacare?s imperiled employer mandate

    By TIMOTHY P. CARNEY | 07/03/13 10:20 AM

    Propping up the employer-based system and adding to the hiring penalty is bad policy that President Obama supported mainly because John McCain opposed it.

  • VIDEO: Sen. Ted Cruz sings 'Amazing Grace' to the tune of 'Gilligan's Island' theme

    By CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/03/13 09:40 AM

    The Texas Republican entertained the congregation of First Baptist Dallas on Sunday, explaining that he learned the trick in high school in Houston.

  • Questions on the Obamacare mandate 'suspension'

    By MICHAEL BARONE | 07/03/13 08:40 AM

    What part of the law authorizes the Executive Branch to ?suspend? the law? If the administration does not have legislative authority to suspend the law, who can challenge that in court?

  • Morning Examiner: Obamacare train wreck undermines amnesty push

    By CONN CARROLL | 07/03/13 08:15 AM

    But now that Obamacare is law, liberals no longer need to fool Americans into thinking we can expand health insurance to almost 40 million Americans without adding to the deficit.

  • 20 bizarre pro-choice signs protesting the Texas abortion bill

    By CHARLIE SPIERING | 07/03/13 06:09 AM

    In Texas, a throng of angry pro-choice protesters aren?t happy with the bill to restrict abortions over 20 weeks.

  • Source:

    Jennifer Aniston naomi watts Oscar Nominations 2013 Beasts of the Southern Wild 2013 Oscars academy awards Sally Field

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