Tuesday 9 April 2013

Scientists Discover The Diabetes Toxin : Easy Health Options?

scientists-discover-the-diabetes-toxin_300Researchers at Indiana University have found that foods high in a dangerous toxin increase your chances of diabetes by 65 percent. Avoid these foods and you boost your chances of dodging diabetes.

A study at the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington shows that eating foods high in mercury puts you at greater risk of diabetes. The researchers warn that you should avoid eating fish containing significant mercury like swordfish and shark. When you eat fish, they advise, eat items like salmon, catfish and shrimp that are lower in mercury. Federal guidelines for fish consumption highlight this, particularly for women who are pregnant or of childbearing age and for young children.

The scientists conclude: ?It is likely that the overall health impact of fish consumption may reflect the interactions of nutrients and contaminants in fish. Thus, studying any of these nutrients and contaminants such as mercury should consider confounding from other components in fish. In (our) study, the association between mercury exposure and diabetes incidence was substantially strengthened after controlling for intake of LCn-3PUFAs (omega-3 fats) and magnesium.?

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Filed Under: Alternative Medicine ? Diabetes Concerns ? Easy Health News

Source: http://easyhealthoptions.com/news/scientists-discover-the-diabetes-toxin/

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